Zusammenfassung der Ressource
First Humans
- Who were Australopithecines?
- Could walk
- Could spot threatening animals
- Developed opposable thumb
- South and East Africa, 4-1
million BC
- Discovered by Mary
Leakey in Leatol in
- Evidence: Footprints in Lava
(1978), Lucy (1974)
- Who were Homo Habilis (Man of Skill)?
- lava rock tools
- Tools to cut meat
and crack bones
- In East Africa, 2.5-1.5 million BC
- Evidence: Fossil in
Olduvai (1960)
- Who were Homo Erectus (Upright man)
- Intelligent and adaptable
- Developed technology for
needs (sophisticated tools)
- skillful hunters
- First to migrate to India.
China, Southwest Asia, Europe
- First to use fire
- Created first language
- In Africa. Asia, Europe, 1.6-30,000 BC
- Who were Homo Sapiens (Wise man)?
- Neanderthals
- Developed more
muscles and
thicker bones
- Religious beliefs,
performed rituals,
- Tools (Stone blades.
Scrapers, skin of prey)
- In Europe and Southwest Asia,
300,000-200,000 BC
- Evidence: Fossils found in
Neander Valley, Germany
Disappeared mysteriously
30,000 years ago
- Cro-Magnons
- specialized tools
- Fully modern humans
(Strong, average 5’1”)
- Studies animals
- Planned hunts
- Fast growing popluation
- Advanced hunting
and language
- In Europe and Asia, 40,000
years ago