The human body


Mindmap am The human body, erstellt von skotetka am 20/03/2014.
Mindmap von skotetka, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von skotetka vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The human body
  1. consists of
    1. head
      1. is the seat of brain
        1. is covered with hair
          1. there is also the face
            1. there are important senses
              1. smell, sight, hearing, taste
              2. consists of eyes, nose, mouth with two lips, ears, cheeks, chin, forehead, eyebrows, eyelids,
            2. neck
              1. is between...
              2. trunk
                1. is composed of
                  1. abdominal cavity
                    1. inside we can find
                      1. stomach, liver, gallblader, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, urinary bladder, intestines, reproductive organs
                    2. thoracic cavity
                      1. the ribs connect sternum with vertebral column
                        1. in the vertebral column there is spinal cord
                          1. it consists of vertebrae
                        2. there are internal organs too, for example
                          1. heart, lungs, great blood vessels, trachea
                        3. in between there is diaphragm
                      2. extremities/limbs
                        1. upper extremity
                          1. shoulder, upper arm, elbow, fore arm, wrist
                            1. hand
                              1. palm, 4 fingers, thumb
                            2. lower extremity is divided into
                              1. hip, thigh, knee with patella, shin, calf, ankle, foot, instep, sole, arch, toe
                          2. the movement is possible thanks to muscles
                            1. is supported by the skeleton
                              1. consists of bones, and joints
                              2. is covered with skin
                                1. is an amazing system
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