Zusammenfassung der Ressource
GRE Biology (Ecology And Evolution)
- <= Part B Part A=>
(on the left) (on the right)
- Environment/organism interaction
- Biogeographic patterns
- Physiological ecology
- Temporal patterns
- Behavioral ecology
- Habitat selection
- Mating systems
- Social systems
- Resource acquisition
- Population Structure and Function
- Population dynamics/regulation
- Demography and life history strategies
- Communities
- Direct and indirect interspecific
- Community structure and diversity
- Change and succession
- Ecosystems
- Productivity and energy flow
- Chemical cycling
- Genetic Variability
- Origins (mutations, linkage, recombination and chromosomal
- Levels (e.g., polymorphism and heritability)
- Spatial patterns (e.g., clines and ecotypes)
- Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- Evolutionary processes
- Gene flow and genetic drift
- Natural selection and its dynamics
- Levels of selection (e.g., individual and group)
- Trade-offs and genetic correlations
- Natural selection and genome evolution
- Synonymous vs. nonsynonymous nucleotide ratios
- Evolutionary consequences
- Fitness and adaptation
- Speciation
- Systematics and phylogeny
- Convergence, divergence and extinction
- Coevolution
- History of life
- Origin of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
- Fossil record
- Paleontology and paleoecology