Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Development as Freedom
- Development
- It is more than
economic growth
- Must economist forget this is just
one aspect that is part of
- It is more than an
increase in income
- Traditional way to
measure development
- It does not show satisfaction
of people's needs
- It only can be reached by
removing unfreedoms
- Unfreedoms prevent
people from exercising
their rights
- It is related to the
quality of life
- Unfreedoms are all the conditions
or processes do not let people
- Some unfreedoms can be:
- Poverty
- Segregation
- Repressive States
- Closed markets
- They all cause deprivation
- To do solve this, it is necessary
the involvement of:
- Society
- Government
- Markets
- People have to be
given life skills
- To improve life standards
- Some effects can be related to:
- Early mortality
- Famine
- Poverty & little economic
- Violence