Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- rationalists can define innate
ideas as that which the content
cannot be gained from
experience; triggered instead
- Experience as a trigger
- E.g. Birds only need to hear a
little of the song of their species
before able to sing - far too little
experience to learn from
- Leibniz - veined marble
- criticisms
- If experience is necessary
trigger is it just saying that to
have an innate idea is to have
capacity to come to know
- Would reduce all ideas to innate ideas
- E.g. have capacity to
discover facts like height
of mount everest - clearly
not known innately
- Innate knowledge of language
- Chomsky: Knowledge of
grammar is innate
- poverty of stimulus argument - children learn
linguistic grammar accuracy so fast and from poor
info - knowledge cant come from experience
- Children can construct and
identify grammatically correct
- 1) on the basis of far fewer
examples than they can classify 2)
many sentences are
ungrammatical 3) many mistakes
children make are not corrected
- example of 2) when speaking
we say things like "the
cat...look there- on the mat." -
incomplete interrupted
- So children have
innate knowledge of
language that is
triggered from exposure
- Criticisms
- Argue that this is not
knowledge, children would
have to have beliefs about
it. Ability knowledge
- could argue that
innate ability generates
innate knowledge
- Plato thought our innate
knowledge was
knowledge of the forms
(perfect ideas which exist
independently of us)
- Know 2 sticks are of
equal length, have not
gained idea of equality
from experience but
from form of equality
- we recollect or remember out
knowledge of the forms in apply
- E.g. Socrates talks to slave boy about
theorem in geometry - slave boy knows
nothing but gets right answer in
response to Socrates's questions
- criticism: could argue
answer gained through
reasoning - but then still
- Mathematical
knowledge -
example of
synthetic a priori
- 2+2 always=4
- Empiricists agree,
but think analytic a
- Could argue; how could
mathematical discoveries
then be made? can't
discover if true by definition
- Descartes could
work out the size of
the sun using
maths - no sense
experience needed
- Ayers verification
principle - criteria for
- if a statement is
analytic or empirically
- Criticisms: principle itself
meaningful - not analytic and
not empirically verifiable.
- Capacity to grasp ideas
purely intellectually and
work with them is crucial
in science - Leibniz
- "A corpuscle hundreds of
thousands times smaller than
any bit of dust" - can imagine