The Underground


Mindmap am The Underground, erstellt von Ryn . am 07/10/2016.
Ryn .
Mindmap von Ryn ., aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ryn .
Erstellt von Ryn . vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Underground
  1. Characters
    1. Settings
      1. under ground tunnels
        1. Arcades
          1. clubs
            1. sleeping cooridors
            2. Outlands
              1. Temples
                1. Tundra
                  1. The Lake house made of glass
                    1. Christmas shop
                      1. Victorian open air room
                      2. Civilization
                        1. Casino
                          1. Courtyard
                            1. Smith's office
                          2. explaination
                            1. The drought and storm


                              • As a result of poor farming practices, global warming, cattle farming, sheep ranching, poor soil stewardship, drought, top soil dried out immensely and severe desertification was caused. Then one day a HUGE tropical storm brewed in what was left of the atlantic ocean and crashed against all of it's shores. It caused tornado's and dust storms, seeing as there were barley any large masses of water left.
                            2. Events
                              1. gf
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