Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Portrayed throughout the play to have distorted views and
who cares only for the prosperity for his own company,
sees himself as a 'hard headed business man"
- "My job to keep labour
costs down"
- Comes across to the audience as greedy as not
concered about the welfare of his workers, Shows
he's driven by money,. Has distorted views - thinks
its just buisness
- "She had a lot to say- far to much to
say had to go"
- Doesn't let sentiment get in the way of
his success. no sympathy- Indicates he is
close minded and comes across as selfish
and stubborn.
- He is pompous and a social
climber,and uses his power
- "How do you get on with Chief Constable,
Colonel Roberts...ought to warn you hes an
old friend of mine.
- Using his power to defend and
lash out when he's impatient or
angry. Expects respects because
of his class
- "Just a knight hood
of course"
- Too confident, impressing Gerald
convincing him he may be knighted
- "I know the Brumley police officers pretty
- Impress/intimidate the inspector by showing how
he knows rich, powerful people.
- "Might have
done better for
yourself socially"
- Aware of his class and worried about what the
crofts think - who is higher then them, shows hes
very concerned about how to raise his class, which
the marriage (alliance) will do, shows attitude
towards Sheila thinks her as a business opputunty
- Birlings views introduced clearly- by making long, pointless
hyperbol speeches show his views as a firce captalist
- "The TItanic-unsinkable"
- Makes the audience lose trust in him and engages then through dramatic irony
as titanic was a tragic event. Shows he's optamistic about the future and dashes
mean pauses showing he's waffling/confused on what hes saying.
- "They ll be peace and prosperity"
- Likes to air his views, and monopilise the conversation suggesting he
has a high opinion of his own importance and shows he's a fool even
with his power making the audience dislike him. Also trying to impress
Gerald - showing he only cares about his own reputation.
- Makes patronising points
about women and how they
view cothes and appearence
- "Clothes mean something different to
women, not only something to wear and
not only something to make'em look
- Colloquial language, suggests his attitudes
towards women, 'make em look prettier' shows
he objectifies women too
- Through out the play, maintains the same views and
gradually exposing is beliefs. Cares much about
appearance and struggles to look beyond a deeper
- "i take no responsability"
- Shows knows sympathy or compassion for the dead
girl. Unable to learn anything, shows that it's too late to
change the old generation
- "He produces a huge sigh
of relief"
- Realizes inspector is fake as worried about his
reputation, meaning he's self-cencenterd
- "I'll give thousands-
yes- thousands
- Resolve problem with his wealth and when his public
figure is threatened he'd give anything. shows how
selfish he is
- "Eric, what wrong with you"
- Neglects his son, blind to what his kids does- thinks
they have a lot to learn about the world.