Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Brain
- Forebrain
- Hypothalamus
- FXS: maintains the body's homeostasis, motivation,
(eating, drinking and sexual bx), physical expression
of strong emotions (rage, fear & excitement)
- Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
- Circadian & Seasonal Cycles
- Mammilary Bodies
- Memory
- D/O: Sleep D/O, Immune Response & Reproduction
- "Homeostasis"
- Thalamus
- FXs: Relays incoming sensory info
(except olfactory = amygdala) to cortex
- Also involved in language,
memory & motor activity
- D/O: Dementia, Aphasia, Korsakoff's (w/ thiamine deficiency)
- "Central Relay Station"
- Basal Ganglia
- Caudate Nucleus, globus pallidus & putamen
- FXS: Organizes and Coordinates Voluntary movement and gross motor
- D/O: Parkinson's, Huntington's, Tourette's, OCD, Schizophrenia & ADHD
- "Initiate Movement"
- Limbic Sysytem
- Amygdala
- FXS: Attaches Emotion to Memory
- Fear response, emotional processing,
learning, fight-or-flight, reward processing
- D/O: PTSD, Anxiety, inability to recognize facial and vocal
expressions of emotion, Kluver-Bucy (w/ temporal lobe)
- "Emotional Brain"
- Hippocampus
- FXS: Transfers info from STM to LTM, processing spatial, visual and
verbal memories, consolidating declarative memory
- D/O: Alzheimer's, Autism, Dementia, PTSD,
Anterograde Amnesia & Normal Aging
- "Memory Consolidation"
- "Emotions & Memory"
- Subcortical Structures
- Midbrain
- Substantia Nigra
- Helps control movement & plays role
in reward seeking & addictive bxs
- D/O: Parkinson's & Addictions
- Reticular Formation
- Reticular Activating System (RAS)
- FXS: Awareness, Arousal & Attention - screens incoming sensory info,
especially during sleep, and arouses when important info needs to be
paid attention to
- D/Os: Inattention, Hypersomnia & Coma
- FXS: Sleep & Wakefulness
- Hindbrain
- Medulla Oblongata
- FXS: Regulates Breathing, HR, BP and Digestion
- D/O: Damage is most often fatal
- "Basics"
- Pons
- FXS: Connects 2 halves of cerebellum,
L & R movements of the body
- Regulating states of arousal: breathing, taste
& autonomic fxs (arousal, sleep & respiration)
- Raphe Nuclei
- Cerbellum
- FXS: Balance, coordinate movements, control posture,
- D/O: Ataxia - slurred speech, severe tremors & loss of
balance, ETOH has strong effect on cerebellum
- "Balance & Posture"