Zusammenfassung der Ressource
EPQ- should we legalise cannibis?
- what is cannabis?
- who has used it?
- history of weed and why it
was made illegal
- inspiration
- current event as american
states are starting to legalise
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YWe5kjG35M-13/10
- facts about who smokes
what and at what age does
this occur
- punishment for being
caught with it
- for
- crime rate goes down
- takes money from drug lords
- can be taxed and money can be
saved from police doing drug
- no one has died from it
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPszR0-vTqc-13/10
- smoke 680kg in fifteen mins to die/ eat 22kg
- against
- gateway drug
- will it encourage more young people to take drugs
- promotes laziness
- smells
- dad went to Detroit-
personal experience
- affect on the brain
- schizophrenia?
- compare to alcohol
and caffiene
- affect on the body
- long term
- short term
- medical applications
- glaucoma
- cancer
- https://unitedpatientsgroup.com/resources/illnesses-treatable-with-medical-cannabis-
- case study
- colorado
- detroit
- Canada 2017