Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Conditioning
- Conditioning involves learning
connections between events that
occur in an organism's
- Classical conditoning
- A type of learning in which stimulus
acquires the capacity to evoke a
response that was origninally evoked by
another stimulus
- (sometimes
- Pavlov's
- Ivan Pavlov (Russian
- He turned
psychology from
research focusing
on subjective
accounts of
experience to a
more objective
and scientific
- He de-emphasized the
mind and mentalistic
accounts of behaviour,
and showed how learning
was under the influence
of experience
- What pavlov had
demonstrated was how
learned associations -
which were viewed as the
basic building blocks of
the entire learning
process- were formed by
events in an organisms
- Subjects: dogs restrained in a harness
- Their saliva was
collected by
means of a
implanted tube
in the salivary
- As research progressed, he noticed
that dogs accustomed to the
procedure would start salivating
*before* the meat powder
- The key is that the tone started out as a *neutral*
stimulus, it did not originally produce the response of
- Pavlov managed to change that by pairing the
tone with a stimulus that DID produce the the
salivation response
- Through this
process, the tone
acquired the
capacity to trigger
the response
- (In some experiments ) he used a simple auditory stimulus - the
presentation of a tone. After the tone and meat powder been
presented a number of times; the dog responded by salivating to
the *sound* of the tone alone
- Terminology and Procedures
- The unconditioned stimulus
- A stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without
previous conditioning. The unconditioned response is an
unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs
without previous conditioning
- The conditioned stimulus
- A previously neutral stimulus that has, through
conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a
conditioned response. The conditioned response
is a learned reaction that occurs because of
previous conditions
- The process of classical conditioning
- Before conditioning
- The unconditioned stimulus
elicits the unconditioned
response but the neural
stimulus does not
- During conditioning
- The neural stimulus is
paired with the
- After conditioning
- The neural stimulus alone
elicits the response; the
neural stimulus is now a
conditioned stimulus, and
the response to it is a
conditioned response
- Evaluative conditioning
- Refers to changes in the liking of
stimulus that result from pairing that
stimulus with other positive or negative
- A neural stimulus is paired with
unconditioned stimuli that trigger
positive reactions so that the neutral
stimulus becomes a conditioned
stimulus that elicits similar positive
- Conditioning
- Classical conditioning
affects not only overt
behaviours but
processes as well
- Classical procedures can lead to
immunosuppresion - a decrease in
the production of antibodies
- Immune resistance is only one example of
the subtle physiological processes that can
be influenced by classical conditioning
- Studies suggest that classical conditioning, can
also elicit allergic reactions and that classical
conditioning contributes to the growth of drug
tolerance and the experience of withdrawal
symptoms when drug use is halted
- Basic processes in
classical conditioning
- Acquisition: Forming new
- Refers to the initial stage of
learning something
- Extinction: weakening
conditioned responses
- The gradual weakening and disappearance of
a conditioned response tendency
- Spontaneous recovery:
resurrecting responses
- The reappearance of an extinguished response after a
period of nonexposure to the conditioned stimulus
- Stimulus
- Occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a
specific stimulus responds in the same way to new stimuli that
are similar to the original stimulus
- The basic law governing
generalization is: "The more similar
new stimuli are to the original CS, the
greater the generalization"
- Stimulus
- (is just the opposite of stimulus generalization)
- It occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a
specific stimulus does not respond in the same way to new
stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus
- Organisms can gradually learn to discriminate between an original CS
and similar stimuli if they have adequate experience with both
- Higher
- A conditioned
functions as if it
- Higher order conditioning shows that classical
conditioning does not depend on the presence of a
genuine, natural UCS
- New conditioning responses
are built on the foundation
of already established
conditioned responses
- The phenomenon of higher order
conditioning greatly extends the reach
of classical conditioning
- Operant
- By
- The term was deprived from his belief that in this type of
responding, an organism "operates" on the environment
instead of simply reacting to stimuli
- Operant conditioning is a form of
learning in which responses come to
be controlled by their consequences
- Learning theorists
originally distinguished
between classical and
operant conditioning on
the grounds that the
former regulated reflexive,
involuntary responses,
whereas the latter
governed voluntary
- Skinner demonstrated that organisms
tend to repeat those responses that are
followed by favourable consequences
- This fundamental
principle is embodied
in Skinner's concept of
- Reinforcement occurs when
an event following is a
response increases an
organism's tendency to make
that response
- Thorndike's
- Another name
- Introduced earlier by
Edward L. Thorndike (1913)
- Thorndike wanted to emphasize
that this kind of responding is
often instrumental in obtaining
some desired outcome
- According to the law of effect, if a
response in the presence of a stimulus
leads to satisfying effects, the
association between the stimulus and
the response is strengthened
- Thorndike viewed
instumental learning
as a mechanical
process in which
successful responses
are gradually
"stamped in" by their
favourable effects
- His law of effect became the cornerstone of Skinners
theory of operant conditioning, although Skinner
used different technology
- Terminology and Procedures
- Like Pavlov,
Skinner created
a prototype
procedure that
has been
thousands of
- Pigeons and rats made
ideal participants for his
research. The focus was on
observable behaviour. In a
typical procedure, a rat or
pigeon is placed in a
operant chmaber that has
come to be better known
as a "Skinner Box"
- An operant chamber, or skinner box, is a
small enclosure in which an animal can
make a specific response that is recorded
while the consequences of the response are
systematically controlled
- Because operant responses tend
to be voluntary, they are said to be
emitted rather than elicited
- Emit means to send forth
- The Skinner box
permits the
experimenter to
control the
that are in effect
for the animal
- Reinforcement
contingencies are
the circumstances or
rules that determine
whether responses
lead to the
presentation of
- The cumalitive recorder creates a
graphic record of responding and
reinforcement in a Skinner box as a
function of time
- Primary reinforcers are
events that are inherently
reinforcing, because they
satisfy biological needs
- Secondary, or conditioned, reinforcers are
events that acquire reinforcing qualities by
being associated with primary reinforcers
- Acqusition and
- As in classical condition,
acquisition in operant
conditioning refers to the initial
stage of learning some new
pattern of responding
- Operant
responses are
through a
gradual process
called shaping
- consists of the
reinforcement of
closer and closer
approximations of
a desired response
- Shaping is necessary when an
organism does not, own its
own, emit the desired response
- Extinction
- It begins in operant
conditioning whenever
previously available
reinforcement is
- A key issue in operant conditioning is
how much resistance to extinction an
organism will play when reinforcement is
- Resistance to extinction occurs when organisms
continues to make a response after delivery of the
reinforcer has been terminated
- Discrimitive stimuli are cues that influence operant behaviour by
indicating the probable consequences (reinforcement or
nonreinforcement) of a response
- Positive reinforcement vs Negative reinforcement
- Positive reinforcement
- Occurs when a response is
strengthened because it is followed
by the presentation of a rewarding
- Negative reinforcement
- Occurs when a response is
strengthened because it is followed
by the removal of an averisve
(unpleasant) stimulus
- In escape learning an organism
acquires a response that decreases or
ends some aversive stimulation
- In avoidance learning,
an organism acquires a
response that prevents
some aversive
stimulation from
- Punishment
- Occurs when an
event following a
response weakens
the tendency to
make that response
- Although punishment in
operant conditioning
encompasses far more than
disciplinary acts, it is used
frequently for disciplinary
- Side effects
- Effects can carry over into adulthood, as studies find increased aggresion,
criminal behaviour, mental health problems and child abuse among adults
who were physically punished as children
- Observational
learning occurs
when an
responding is
influenced by the
observation of
others, who are
called models
- Basic processes by Bandura
- 1. Attention
- 2. Retention
- 3. Reproduction
- 4. Motivation