Waves/ Melany Gutierrez/6-A


the waves they types theire names and the rarefraction and compression
Melany Gutierrez Barrantes
Mindmap von Melany Gutierrez Barrantes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Melany Gutierrez Barrantes
Erstellt von Melany Gutierrez Barrantes vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Waves/ Melany Gutierrez/6-A
  1. There are 2 types of waves
    1. longitudinal waves
      1. is a wave that vibrates by a medium in the same direction in wich the wave travels
      2. Transverse wave
        1. A waves that vibrates the medium at the rigth angles or perpendicular to the direction in which the waves travels
      3. Rarefaction y Compession
        1. An area where the coils are close togheter is called compression
          1. An area where the coils are spread out are called rarefaction
          2. crest and trought
            1. crest is the high part of a wave
              1. Trought is tha low part of a wave
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