Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Aerobic capacity
- Definition
- Vo2 max: Highest rate of
oxygen attainable during
- Aerobic Capacity: Ability
to work sub maximally
for a long period of time
- Affecting Factors
- Genetics
- Inheriting types of muscle fibres.
This affects 60% of AC
- Age
- Vo2 max declines with age. Aerobic
training helps maintain aerobic capacity
- Gender
- Males have higher Vo2 than females by 15-30%. this is
due to having bigger hearts and lungs
- Training
- Aerobically trained people are likely to
have a larger vo2 max.
- Testing
- PWC 170
- Is a test that predicts an athletes power
output at a rate of 170 beats per minutes
- Simple to set up and conduct
- Need specialist equpiment
- Multi stage fitness
- Also know as the bleep test. Test your aerobic capacity
- Only a prediction
- Can be unreliable
- Uses both zones of work
- Easy to do with large groups
- Gas Analysis
- Calculates your exact vo2 max
- Very accurate and precise
- Expensive
- Time consuming
- Adaptations
- Cardiac
- Increase HR,SV,CO
- Lower resting heart rate
- Respiratory
- Capilerisation
- Increase surface areas
of lungs
- Skeletal
- Increased bone density
- Increased strength of tendons,
ligaments and cartilages
- Muscular
- Type 1 fibres increase
- Type 2b fibres turn into 2a
- Increased muscle capilaries
- Methods of training
- Fartlek
- Physical training that take place on different terrain at varied paces
- Variety so prevents tedium
- Good for sports that require
changes in pace
- Might not work to
full potential
- Hard to monitor
- Altitude
- Training performed at high altitude to prepare the body to work with less oxygen
- Skill level may actually decrease
- Can lower immune system
- Increase production of red blood cells
- Increases Vo2 max
- Continuous
- Physical training without rest
- Very little equipment
- Easy to do
- Become tedious
- Overload
- Interval
- Physical training consisting of varied periods of high intensity and low
intensity work
- Prevents fatigue
- Reflect scenario of a games player
- Can overload
- Work to rest ratio may be wrong