Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1905 Revolution
- long-term
- social and economic
- 98 million 1885 to 125 million 1905
- 80% peasnants
- 1892, 98 and 1901=harvest failures=famine
- jacqueries
- countryside=verge of revolution by 1905
- demands for political change= willing audience
- smaller peasant landholding
- Prior 15 years rapid industrialisation
- Finance Minister Sergei Witte
- By 1905 slums in cities e.g. Moscow and St. Petersburg
- poor working conditions
- protested e.g. Winter Palace Bloody Sunday
- willing audience
- Political
- Social Revolutionaries, 1901
- political power to peasants
- 1901-1905=2000 assasinations
- Minister Plehve 1904
- Social Democrats, 1898
- power to wokrers and peasants
- 1903: Bolsheviks&Mensheviks
- Leaders in prison or exile
- Many returned after Bloody Sunday
- use widespread unrest to force political change
- Liberals, moderate
- parliament
- elected by wealthy
- short=term
- Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905
- expand:Far East
- direct conflict expansionist power, Japan
- Northern China & Korea
- defeat despite military power
- Port Aurthur Naval Base surrendered
- Battle of Tsushima, 27th May 1905
- 25/35 warships of Russian Baltic Fleet lost
- national humiliation
- undermined support for Tsar
- prolonged & encouraged revolution
- Bloody Sunday, January 1905
- peaceful and led by priest: Father George Gapon
- open fire on protesters
- widespread outrage
- expelled from St Petersburg
- sympathy strikes
- damaged Tsar's popularity
- 'little father' no more