Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Propietats
- Strength (resistència)
- capacity of a
material suporting
forces. (metal)
- Toughness (tenacitat)
- material that does
not break when
reciving a sudden
shock. (glass)
- Elasticity
- materia that deforms
when a force is
applied. (rubber)
- Plasticity
- Ductility
- ability of a
material to deform
under tenile
stress. (steel)
- Malleability
- ability of a material to
deform under
compressive stress.
- Hardness (duresa)
- ability of a material to
resist scratching, being
cut or perfored.
- Stress
- Tension
- when an object is pulled with
two forces, acting in diferent
directions. (cables)
- Compression
- when an object is pushed
with two diferent forces
acting in opposite direction.
- Flexion
- an object, one in
under compression
and the other
under tension.
- Torision
- when an object is
twisted by the action
of two diferent
- Shear (cisallament)
- two opposite forces
act in the same part of
the object, trying to
cut it