Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Organ Bath 1
- Smooth Muscle
- Spontaneous contractile activity
- Contracts Slowly
- Not Prone to muscle fatigue
- Ideal for sphincter muscles
- Destrusor
- Contraction mediated by muscarinic receptors
- Stimulation by acetlycholine
- Inhibited by antagonist atropine
- Tissue
- Maintained in an aerated physiological solution
- Respond to chemical,electrical,mechanical stimui
- continue for many hours for application of many drugs.
- Clear quantitive relationship between tissue response and applied drug contraction
- Mesurment recorded by force displacement transducter.
- Set up
- Equiptment
- Power lab 26T
- Micropositioner
- Force Transducer
- Calibrated to give more meaningful units of grams
- Residual offset voltage needs to be corrected
- Ring Stand
- Tissue Preparation
- 2cm strip of bladder
- Keep tissue moist with phosphate buffer
- Additional 95% O2
- 5% CO2
- Attach string to each end
- Attach to mounting hook, then ring stand
- Force Tranducer at 1-1.5g tension
- Submerge in sailine
- Allow 30minutes to equilibrate
- Acetylcholine
- Stock Solution of 10-2 M
- Serially dilution in 10ml saline (Tyrode Ringer)
- To give: 10-3.10-4 and 10-5
- Drug Addition Cycle
- Wait 3 Minutes to record any response
- Empty bath and wash the tissue 2 times after recording
- Wait additional 3 mins before adding next concentration of drug
- Acetylcholine Anatgonist