Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Of Mice and Men Themes and Character
- Characters
- Lennie
- Remembers things
he wants to e.g.
Tending Rabbits
- Doesn't know
his own
- Very reliant on George, childlike qualities
- George
- Sensible,
protective of
- Has dreams, but
doesn't like people
seeing them, hides
any emotion
- Candy
- emotional when his dog dies
- old, doesn't
involve himself in
- Curley
- Fights
bigger men
to show his
- thin, brown eyed
- Protective of
wife, doesn't
want anyone
talking to her
- Carlson
- Powerful, big stomached
- Forceful to get what he wants
- Shooting candys dog
- Boss
- Suspicious
- Described as
'not bad' by
ranch workers
- Curleys wife
- Desperate for attention
- Lonely,
makes a big
effort for
people to
like and
fancy her
- Slim
- "Big Tall Skinner"
- Understanding Towards george
- Candy can have any
one of his pups
- Whit
- Young, labouring
- Crooks
- Shut off, in his own space
- Reads a lot
- protective, can
come across
- Themes
- Friendship
- Important in Great depression
- "But I wouldn't eat none George, I'd leave it all for you
- only interest is his friend
- wants to keep Georges support
- "Sure a hell of a good worker"
- George protecting Lennie
- support his frined
- Very hard for
someone like
Lennie to get a
job in great
- "Candy you can
have any one of
them pups you
- Choice in great
depression was
- strong friendship
- Dreams and plans
- Lennie and George
dream of having land
- Candy dreams of sharing their land
- Crooks dreams
of being treated
equally, sharing
the bunk house
- Curleys wife
dreams of
running away
and becoming
- Power
- George has power over Lennie
- Makes decisions for him
- Tells him what to do
- Finds work for him
- Curly has power
over ranch workers
and his wife
- Rnach workers dislike him
- Always wants fights
- harsh tone
means they don't
want to speak to
- His wife wants to run away
- He makes no time for her