Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Biology 1.1
- Semmelweis cut labour deaths by using ANTISEPTICS
- Semmelweis cut death rate from 12% to 2%
- MRSA is a resistant strain to antibiotics - it isn't killed by antibiotics
- Bacteria:
- can mutate to new strains
- new strains could be antibiotic-resistant so current
treatments wouldn't be able to clear an infection which
could lead to death
- new strain could have been never encountered before so no-one would be have been immunised
- strain could reproduce rapidly that could cause an epidemic
- Viruses
- tend to mutate: hard to develop vaccines against them
- changes in their DNA lead to them having
different antigens, so the body doesn't know
the correct antibody to produce
- if a virus evolved quickly, it would be very problematic
if both very deadly and infectious FLU viruses evolve
quickly, so this is possible
- precautions could take place to stop
virus spreading. planes cause the
spread to spread all over the world
- vaccines+antiviral
drugs could be
developed, but these
take time to develop
- worst-case scenario: pandemic