Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religious Studies
- Believing in God
- Numinous
- the feeling of the presence of
something greater than
- Conversion
- When your life is
changed by giving
yourself to God
- Miracle
- Something that seems to break
the law of science and makes
you think only God could have
done it
- Prayer
- An attempt to contact
God usually through
- Design
- when things are connected and
seem to have a purpose
- Omnipotent
- The belief that God is all
- Agnosticism
- Not being sure whether God exsists
- Atheism
- Believing that God does not exist
- Moral Evil
- Actions carried out by
humans that cause suffering
- Natural Evil
- Things that cause suffering but have
nothing to do with humans
- Free will
- The idea that humans are allowed to
make their own decisions
- Omnibenevolent
- The belief that God is all good
- Omniscient
- The belief that God knows
everything that has happened
and everything that is going to
- How a religious upbringing may lead a person
to believe in God
- Being baptised and
- Could give you a religious
experience and and confirm
your belief
- Going to a C of E or
Catholic School...
- Would be taught from a religious veiwpoint
as being factual, normal school life.
- Praying as a family
before you eat or go
to bed...
- Parents wouldn't pray if they didn't beleive
- Celebrating religious
festivals E.G Christmas...
- Explaining meaning and importance
suggests factual evidence.
- Going to church or Sunday School...
- Worshipping God becomes a naturally
acceptable event.