Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Sensation is the stimulation of sense organs
- Perception is the selection, organization, and interpretation of
sensory input. perception is Subjective.
- Psychophysics - The Study of how
physical stimuli are transalted to
psychological experience
- Absolute Thershold, a minimum amount of sensory stimulation
that a organisim can detect 50% of the time
- Sensory Adaptions, is a gradual decline in
sensitivity due to prolongued exposure. ex, you can
no longer smell your perfume.
- Except sight due to Saccades - the eye is in
constant motion, so our sight does not adapt.
- Bottom UP, a progression from
individual to the whole
- Detect Specific features of stimulus
- Combine specific features
into more complex forms
- Recognize stimulus
- Top DOWN, a progression from the whole
to individual
- Formulate perceptual hypthesis about
the nature of the stimulas as a whole
- examine feature to form a
- Recognize the stimulas
- Webers Law: States that the
size of a just noticable
difference JND is a constant
proportion of the size of the
initial stimulas
- Gestalt Principles
- Proximity. Things that
are close to one
another look like they
belong together
- Closure. Grouping
elements to create a
sense of closure
- Similarity. Grouping stimuli
that are similar
- Simplicity. Organising elements in
the simplist way possible
- Continuity. seeing elements in
ways that produce smooth
- Transduction is the translation of a sensory stimuli to an electrical signal in the
CNS, transduction is the essence of senstation.