Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Divine attributes
- Omnipotence
- 1) Stone paradox
- response 1) Presupposes
possibility of something
logically impossible "power
to create stone omnipotent
being cant lift"
- Not possible power
- God does not lack
- Response 2) redefine
omnipotence as power to
do anything that is
logically possible
- 3) God is incorporeal
- Omniscience
- Does he know future?
Would mean lack of
freewill. Or knows all
possible outcomes - but
does not then doesn't
know definite outcome
- Omnibenevolence
- Everyone would define good
subjectively - what does it mean to
define God as good? What seems
omnibenevolent to one may not seem
to another
- Transcendence
- Immanence
- Eternal
- Timelessness is
unintelligible concept - to
exist at all must exist at
some point
- Process theology by Hartshorne
- God is personal - be fully personal
must be able to love - implies passive
and active capacity
- God has attributes; must be
capable of change and therefore
cannot be timeless
- Immutable
- Perfect