The Divine attributes


International Baccalaureate Philosophy (The idea of God) Mindmap am The Divine attributes, erstellt von lauren_walji am 02/05/2013.
Mindmap von lauren_walji, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lauren_walji vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Divine attributes
  1. Omnipotence
    1. 1) Stone paradox
      1. response 1) Presupposes possibility of something logically impossible "power to create stone omnipotent being cant lift"
        1. Not possible power - God does not lack anything
        2. Response 2) redefine omnipotence as power to do anything that is logically possible
          1. 3) God is incorporeal
        3. Omniscience
          1. Does he know future? Would mean lack of freewill. Or knows all possible outcomes - but does not then doesn't know definite outcome
          2. Omnibenevolence
            1. Everyone would define good subjectively - what does it mean to define God as good? What seems omnibenevolent to one may not seem to another
            2. Transcendence
              1. Immanence
                1. Eternal
                  1. Timelessness is unintelligible concept - to exist at all must exist at some point
                    1. Process theology by Hartshorne
                      1. God is personal - be fully personal must be able to love - implies passive and active capacity
                        1. God has attributes; must be capable of change and therefore cannot be timeless
                    2. Immutable
                      1. Perfect
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