To Kill a Mockingbird


13. Klasse Englisch Mindmap am To Kill a Mockingbird, erstellt von Irina Damm am 23/10/2016.
Irina Damm
Mindmap von Irina Damm, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Irina Damm
Erstellt von Irina Damm vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

To Kill a Mockingbird
  1. Analysing literature
    1. - Constellation of characters
      1. Scout as a narrator
        1. Coming of age novels
          1. Scout and Jem grow up
            1. Boo's role
              1. The title
      2. (Harper Lee)
        1. speeches and rhetorical devices
          1. poetry and songs
              1. I, too, sing America
              2. I have a dream
              3. the title
              4. Morality and justice
                1. Atticus as a role-model and a person of conscience
                  1. --> What is courage? --> What is conscience?
                    1. Atticus's challenge to defend a black man
                  2. the mob scene
                    1. the trial and the verdict
                      1. --> taking over perspectives
                    2. Kohlberg's model of morality
                      1. Hypocrisy
                      2. The American South in the 1930's
                        1. Childhood in Maycomb
                          1. The role of black maids
                              1. Gender roles
                                1. Southern gentlemen
                                  1. The role of Jem
                                  2. Southern ladies
                                    1. The role of Scout
                                    2. Maycomb's rules
                                      1. hypocrisy
                                    3. Calpurnia
                                  3. Racial Segregation and Civil Rights Movement
                                    1. Lynchmord
                                      1. Strange Fruit
                                        1. The mob scene
                                          1. Black maids
                                            1. The Help (movie)
                                            2. Civil Rights Movement
                                              1. Martin Luther King
                                                1. Malcom X
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                                              ähnlicher Inhalt

                                              must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
                                              American Dream
                                              Romeo und Julia
                                              The American Dream
                                              Shakespeare and the Elizabethan World
                                              Laura Overhoff
                                              Zeiten Englisch
                                              Janine Egli
                                              IELTS- Vokabeln
                                              Zeiten Englisch
                                              Englisch Zeiten
                                              Antonia C
                                              Oxford Academic Word List Sub1
                                              torsten fab