Short term and long term growth


A level Economics A2 Mindmap am Short term and long term growth, erstellt von Harry Moore am 26/03/2014.
Harry Moore
Mindmap von Harry Moore, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Harry Moore
Erstellt von Harry Moore vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Short term and long term growth
  1. In the short term A move in aggregate demand (consumption) this is short term because the productive potential capacity of the economy has not increased in size. It can also be shown through an increase in the short run aggregate supply curve.
    1. In the long term there is an increase in the productive potential of the economy, so aggregate supply goes out. Shown with an increase in the long run aggregate supply curve.
      1. This causes a shift in the PPF curve outwards (the ppf curve shows the maximum production potential of the economy)
        1. An increase in the long run aggregate supply curve is illustrated through a shift outwards in the PPF curve.
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