Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Miracles: Religious Significance
- Sometimes, miracles appear to be
almost without an obvious purpose
or significance
- Dried blood turning to liquid. Legend has
it that if the blood fails to liquefy, disaster
will follow - this has come true on five
- Great Hindu Milk Miracle
- The miracle tomato of Huddersfield
- Swinburne - There must be a
reason for God to act in a
miraculous way and that a miracle
must, therefore, have a deep
religious significance
- Gareth Moore
- Small boy and the boulder analogy
- Talking of God performing miracles is pointless
because God is not a person
- When it is claimed that God performed a miracle
it is actually the same as saying no one
performed the miracle
- John Locke
- Proof that an act is a miracle depends on knowing
that the person who performs it is sent by God as his
- Miracles must act as a witness to a person's
mission from God and this must be
acknowledged by the observers
- The definition of a miracle
must be seen in a broader
context of who performs is
and who sees it