Miracles: Religious Significance


As Level Rs: Philosophy (Nejad) (Miracles) Mindmap am Miracles: Religious Significance, erstellt von Holly1 am 28/03/2014.
Mindmap von Holly1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Holly1 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Miracles: Religious Significance
  1. Sometimes, miracles appear to be almost without an obvious purpose or significance
    1. Dried blood turning to liquid. Legend has it that if the blood fails to liquefy, disaster will follow - this has come true on five occasions
      1. Great Hindu Milk Miracle
        1. The miracle tomato of Huddersfield
        2. Swinburne - There must be a reason for God to act in a miraculous way and that a miracle must, therefore, have a deep religious significance
          1. Gareth Moore
            1. Small boy and the boulder analogy
              1. Talking of God performing miracles is pointless because God is not a person
                1. When it is claimed that God performed a miracle it is actually the same as saying no one performed the miracle
                2. John Locke
                  1. Proof that an act is a miracle depends on knowing that the person who performs it is sent by God as his messenger
                    1. Miracles must act as a witness to a person's mission from God and this must be acknowledged by the observers
                      1. The definition of a miracle must be seen in a broader context of who performs is and who sees it
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