Zusammenfassung der Ressource
World War I
- Could not upload picture, so there a notes instead
- 1915
- Main powers
- Germany, Ayst-Hung & ottoman empire
- In Poland Germans & Aust-Hung defeated
- Germans defeat Russia
- Germany & Aust-Hung join forces, & captured Russia
- Russia fought in harsh winter
- Germany starve Britian at
battle of Doggerbank
- Britain & Indians suffer after Battle
of Neuve Chapelle
- Germany the first to use
poison gas
- Aliies land at Gallipoli
- Armanians are killed
in Turkey
- 2nd Battle of Artois / germans against Brit&France forces
- Germany controls air with machine
- Italy later joins war, alliance with Aust-Hung,
for promise of terratoy & goods
- 1914
- countries Involved
- Germany Vs.
- France, Russia & Britain
- German chocolate cake
- Austria-Hung.
- Serbia
- France
attacks First
- Triple
- Austria-Hung.,
Germany & Itally
- France and Germany
race to the sea
- 1st Battle of Ypres
- Causalities for Germany and allied
- Leave and trench warfare starts
- water war and eastern front
- Germanys invades France making battle
of Tannenburg
- France won
- British against Russia in
battle of Sands
- First battle of
- Germany invades
- 1916
- War of Attrition
- battles
- Mojkovac
- Verdun
- Lake
- Mecca
- Asiago
- Jutlan
- Somme
- Flers
- Isonzo
- Countries
- Germany, Otto E, Portugal,France, Britain & Russia
- Problems
- Blokades
- Helmets not protective
- H.M.S Hampshire sunk
- Death of Aust-Hung emperor Jose Franz
- war
- Battle Of Somme
- allies attacked by germans
- Hawthorne Redoubl is detained by british
- 1st July bloodiest day of brit. army
- problems
- messages, flags, pigeons, light signals
- 1917
- Russian revolution
- Russia deserts line
- Battle of Arras
- Ally victory
- Nivelle Offense
- General Nivelle replaced
- Largest manmade explosion
- July offense failed
- Middle east
- 2nd Battle of Kut
- 1st &2nd Battle of Gaza
- British win
- declaration for jews
- End of
ottoman rule
- Copretto
- Battle of
- Finland becomes independent
- New french prime minister
- USA declares war on Germany
- 1918
- Collapse
- Battle of Amiens & Dobro Pole & Megiddo & vittorio-veneto
- Brit. defeat turks at Megiddo
- Allies advance at Amiens
- hundred day offensive & allied grand offensive
- Ottoman & Aust-Hung. sign Armistice
- Sgt. H. Gunther last American killed
- Kaiser's Battle
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- Russia gives territory for peace
- Operation Micheal & Georgette
- german advance
- Air power
- Red baron dies
- operation blucher-yore & Gneisenau & Marnesscutz-Reims
- Battle of Cantigny & Battle of Belle wood & Piave river
- Use victory at Belleau wood
- Ending
- Paris peace conference in versailles
- Countries that signed a treaty
- Austria
- Saint Germain-en-laye
- Hungary
- Trianon
- Bulgaria
- Neuilly
- Ottoman empire
- Sevres
- Germany
- versailles