Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Out of body and near
death experiences
- Outline
- A pereption of floating outside
one's body, or being able to see
one's body from an exterior place.
- Three areas of the brain associated to OBEs are the
temporal lobe, parietal lobe and angular gyrus.
- Research
- Blanke et al 2005 - Found that OBEs were
simulated in particpants with no history of
OBEs by electrical stimulation of the right
temporal-parietal brain area, suggesting a
biological explanation.
- Ehrsson et al 2007 - Stimulated OBEs using virtual -
reality googles. Participants were then touched which
made Ps believe that they were have an OBE.
- Van Lommel et al
2001 - Studied 344
Ps who had been
resucitated after
having heart
attacks. 18%
reported having a
NDE during a period
of low brain activity.
- Irwin 1985 - Reported that
OBEs occur with either very
little or very high arousal.
- Green 1968 - Found that 75% of
Ps who experienced OBEs had
very low arousal levels.
- Greyson 1997 - Reported that during
cardioverter-defibrillator implantations
doctors induce heart attacks with
pictures on the wall. During post-op
recovery Ps guessed the image that
was displayed on the wall and no
results beyond chance occurence were
- Gow, Lang and Chant
2004 - link belief in OBEs
to personality – those
who had experiences of
OBEs were more ‘fantasy
prone’, had greater belief
in the paranormal and
showed more somatoform
dissociation –
characteristics of
- Evaluation
- Blackmore 1982 - Believed that OBEs
occur if a person loses contact with
sesnory inputs and perceptions occur
from elsewhere whilst still awake.
- Blackmore 2007 - Praised
Ehrsson's 2007 research
- Practical application - creating
video games that give a high
sense of reality.
- Moody 1998 - After years of studying NDEs
concluded that they were wonderful experiences
for the people who had them.
- However 15% of people who experienced
NDEs described them as hellish.
- Interpreted as a religious experience - many
people report entering into a tunnel of light.