Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Before the flood (globalwarming)
- People see global warming as
something ficticious
- A lot of politicians
saind that global
warming is just a
mith. This is because
most of the economy
is based on products
that are produce by
factories that used
fossil fuel.
- Threw the years
people had been
killing species
because they
didn't know the
effect that it had
- Extintion
of species
and plants
- Most of our echonomic
life is based on fosil fuel
- This is the principal
contaminant on earth
because it also
produces CO2 wastes
affecting the
atmosphere and the
climate change
- To create
fuel and
electricity we
actions like:
- Remove tops of mountains
- Afects the ozone
layer andcauses:
green house effect,
el niño, etc.
- Eliminate big forests
- Melting of the poles