Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Maintaining hygiene
- Infection
- A manifestation of parasitic micro-organisms in the body
- Facemask
- A covering worn over the mouth and nose
- Bacteria
- Singled celled organisms responsible for many humans infections
- Contagious
- To relay an illness from one person to another
- Antibiotic
- Something that kills bacteria in the body
- Quarantine
- To isolate an individual to prevent transmission of microbes
- Transmit
- Moving easily from one person to another
- Digestive System
- Appendicitis
- A condition where de appendix becomes inflamed
- Colonoscopy
- A medical procedure which examines the inside of the colon
- Esophagus
- A muscular tube connecting the mouth to the stomach
- Stomach
- A pouch-like organ between the esophagus and small intestine
- Digestive system
- A system of organs which processes food, nutrients and waste
- Colon
- Is the last portion of the digestive tract in most vertebrates; extracts water and salt from solid wastes
before they are eliminated
- Intestine
- digestive organ extending from the stomach to the anus
- Respiratory System
- Asthma
- Is a chronic desease of the lungs, it involves inflammation of the bronchial tubes and other airways
- Inhale
- Sucking air arrives to lungs
- Emphysema
- Progresive respiratory desease, it is the result of bronchial tube damage. In this, the alveoli loser
their shape and functionality when the person exhales
- Oxigen
- Is a natural ocurring gas essential to human survival
- Lungs
- Are the main organs of the respiratory system
- Bronchial tubes
- Are an estructure inside the lungs
- Exhale
- Output of air in the lungs
- Circulatory System
- Heart
- It is the main muscular organ of the circulatory system
- Aorta
- main artery of vertebrates born in the left ventricle of the heart and gives rise to all other arteries
carrying oxygenated blood to all parts of the body.
- Pulmonary
- Having to do with the lungs
- Valve
- A flap in bodily system that allows passage of material in one direction but prevents passage in the other direction
- Vein
- A blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart
- Artery
- A blood vessel that carries blood away form the heart
- Capilary
- The smallest kind of blood vessel in the body