Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Impacts of Fishing on Target
Populations - Life History
Characteristics Altered
- Younger individuals more fecund
than previously, may also grow
faster. Population able to adapt
- Fishing size selective so
can alter size and age
structure of a population -
mesh size - smaller
individuals can escape.
- Size selection can result
in sexual selection. Alter
sex ratio as females tend
to be bigger - more
- Life span cut short so full
reproductive output not
realised. Bigger
individuals = more eggs &
so more offspring
- Decrease in genetic
diversity - less fitness - less
able to adapt to change
- Smaller overall body
size favoured - higher
chance of escaping.
- Sexual maturity at a
younger age favoured -
these pass on DNA. Ones
who mature older don't
- Evolutionary changes
- Selective removal -
selecting particular
haplotypes - genetic