Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Poverty and Inequality
- Social Exclusion
- Social Exclusion - homelessness
- Economical Exclusion - unemployment
- Political Exclusion - unable to vote
- Cultural Exclusion - lack of
- Marginalization
- Pushed aside in society
- Poverty
- Absolute
- Income not
enough to
- Bare minimum level
of survival
- Below line = poor
Above line = not poor
- Advantage - clear
poverty line
- Relative
- Cannot take part
in normal activities
due to lack of
- Where people stand
relative to others in
- People expect more than
avoiding starvation even if
items owned by most are
not necessary
- Disadvantage - unclear where
the line should be drawn
- Life Chances
- Opportunities
for achieving
living standards
- Weber - affected by class position
- More capital = better life chances
- Economic - wealth, money
and possessions
- Cultural - classes
have different tastes
- Human - skills and
- Social - networks and
levels of trust
- Income
- Money received with given time
- Original = from employment etc
Disposable = original minus taxes etc
- Statistics
- British Household
Panel -doesn't
cover homeless
- New Earnings -
those earning below
income tax threshold
not included
- Time of
sample -
income can
very quickly
- Inequality
- Ageing
population -
more pensions
so more low
- Benefits - more
benefits so more
low incomes
- Tax cuts -
to high
- Low
- Labour market - increasing gap
between work rich and work less
- Wealth
- Possessions held at
given time that can be
turned into cash to
benefit owner
- Linked to status,
power and prestige
- Often inherited e.g. Royal family
- Trends
- Increased ownership of
consumer goods
- People become wealthier as they get older
- Statistics
- Surveys - people
not willing to
reveal details
- Rich lists - time consuming and
complex, relying on estimates
- Inland Revenue - calculates
value of estate but many
distribute assets while alive
- Underclass
- Suffer economic disadvantage
and material hardship
- Life chances are worse
- Children are socialised into this life so
values are passed down
- Field - recruits from three
main groups
- Long term
unemployed, lone
parent families and
- Murray - New Rabble
- Distinctive and
unattractive values,
living off crime and
- Irresponsible parents
and poor role models
- Low skilled, poorly educated,
unwilling to get a job
- Concept
assumes people
are poor through
their own fault