Cell Structure and Organisation


Mindmap am Cell Structure and Organisation, erstellt von Logic Matrix am 08/11/2016.
Logic Matrix
Mindmap von Logic Matrix, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Logic Matrix
Erstellt von Logic Matrix vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cell Structure and Organisation
  1. Types of Cells
    1. Animal
      1. Nucleus


        • Controls cellular activities and consists of chromatin which is made from DNA
        1. cellular activites
          1. Chromathin
            1. DNA
          2. mitochondria
            1. Aerobic Respiration
            2. Small vacuoles
              1. Temporary
                1. Water
                  1. Food substances
                  2. Ribosomes
                    1. Synthesize proteins
                  3. Plant
                    1. Cell membrane


                      • Partially permeable membrane
                      1. Partially permeable membrane
                      2. Cellulose cell wall


                        • Fully permeable and protects cell from injury and gives the cell its shape
                        1. Fully permeable membrane
                          1. Protects cell
                            1. Cell shape
                            2. Chlorophlast


                              • Contain chlorophyll and are sites of photosynthesis, which is the process in which the plant produces food
                              1. Food
                              2. Large central vacuole


                                • Filled with cell sap and is surrounded by a membrane called the tonoplast
                                1. Cell sap
                                  1. Water
                                    1. Amino acids
                                      1. mineral salts
                                    2. Cytoplasm
                                      1. Organelles
                                  2. Adaptions
                                    1. Red blood cells
                                      1. Haemoglobin
                                        1. Oxygen-carrying protein
                                        2. Absent nucleus
                                          1. Flattened bi-convave shape
                                            1. Higher surface area to volume
                                              1. Faster diffution
                                              2. More flexible
                                          2. Xylem Vessels
                                            1. Xylem cells
                                              1. Absence of protoplasm and cross-walls
                                                1. Water not impeded
                                                2. Deposition of lignin
                                                  1. Strengthens vessel walls
                                              2. Organization of a multicellular organism
                                                1. Cell
                                                  1. Most basic unit of a living organism
                                                  2. Tissue
                                                    1. Group of cells with same function found near to each other
                                                    2. Organ
                                                      1. Different tissues working together for a specific function or a group of functions
                                                      2. Organ system
                                                        1. Group of functionally related organs
                                                        2. Multicellular Organisum
                                                          1. Many organ systems working together
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