
Quantum Mechanics Mindmap am QM4, erstellt von jake1923 am 30/03/2014.
Mindmap von jake1923, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jake1923 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Approximate Methods
    1. WKB
      1. Tunnelling Applications
        1. Bohr Quantisation
          1. Turning Points/Linearising
          2. Perturbation Theory
            1. Degenerate
              1. Time Dependate
                1. Time Independent
                2. Non-Degenerate
                  1. Time-Inependent
                    1. Time Dependent
                    2. Fermi- Golden Rule
                      1. Transition Rates
                    3. Variational Method
                      1. Ground State Energy
                    4. 4 Postulates
                      1. Electromagnetism in QM
                        1. Minimal Coupling
                          1. = Adding the Lorentz Force
                          2. Ahranov-Bohm Effect
                            1. Gauge Invariance
                          3. Scattering Theory
                            1. 1D QM
                              1. Phase Shifts
                                1. Levinson's Theory
                                  1. 3D
                                  2. Partial Wave Analysis
                                    1. Born Approximation
                                      1. Rutherford Scattering
                                      2. Two Body Scattering
                                      3. Relativistic Wave Mechanics
                                        1. Dirac Equation
                                          1. Concept: Spin/Anti-particles
                                            1. Non-Relativistic Limit
                                              1. Gyromagnetic Ratio
                                                1. Spin-Orbit coupling
                                                2. Quantum Field Theory Prelude
                                                3. Klein-Gordon Equation
                                                  1. Problems
                                                    1. 4-vectore
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