Zusammenfassung der Ressource
direct/indirect effect
& state liability
- Direct effect - enables individuals to invoke a provision of Union legislation directly in their national courts ( this ensures effective application of Union law.)
- Principle of Direct effect created in Van Gend- held that Union law constituted a new legal order. M/s are not only obligated but rights are created for individuals. hence individuals should be able to invoke EU law directly in their national courts. ( Treaty articles capable of having direct effect.
- Direct effect
- enables individual to invoke EU directly in national courts- this ensures
effective application of Union law.
- Principle created in Van Gend - Q whether nationals can enforce a treaty art? Held: the
treaty constituted a new legal order where M/S have limited their sovereignty- treaty art must
be seen as conferring rights to individuals which the national courts must protect
- Conditions: clear, unconditional (not positive), no further
implementation needed.
- Regulations- art 288 - binding in their entirety
must satisfy conditions in Van Gend
- Directives - Van Duyn - C wanted to rely on a directive that had not yet been implemented to
her advantage, held: it was possible for directives to have direct effect.
- Conditions - sufficiently clear, precise, unconditional. Ratti- implementation of the deadline must have passed. Dori-
directives can only be invoked vertically against the state not individuals.
- This was criticised because it meant that in employment cases those that worked for private companies cannot invoke
rights under a directive. CJEU held that directives are addressed to m/s hence they should not escape their liability by
blaming an individual. This was mitigated by introducing a wider interpretation of the state, indirect effect and state liability.
- Emanation of State - Marshall v Southampton - person may rely on a directive against the state regardless of what capacity there
are acting in.
- Foster V British Gas - a public body is - a body responsible by the State, for providing a service under the control of a state & has special powers beyond those normally
applicable between individuals.
- Defranne V Sabena - private company infringed on D's rights to Art 157- held,
horizontal direct effect was possible for treaty art & regulations.
- Indirect effect -
- Principle created in Von Colson - requires relevant national law to be interpreted in
accordance with Union law
- Marleasing - principle applies regardless of when the national law was enacted & national law must be
interpreted as far as possible.
- Arco - there is no duty for the national courts to adopt a contra legem interpretation which will amount to re-writing
the law ( giving the law a different meaning which was not intended.
- This is limited because a national provision has to be in place to interpret, but it can only be given an
interpretation which is possible.
- State liability
- derives authority from Art 4
- provides compensation to a claimant where they have suffered loss due to a m/s having
breached a provision of Union law
- Developed in Francovich- M/s should take appropriate measures to ensure the fulfilment of obligations arising out of a treaty consequently
they should make good any loss/damage caused to individuals as a result of a breach to community law.
- Conditions- result prescribed by the directive must grant rights to individuals, rights must be identifiable, causal link
between m/s failure and loss suffered. Applies regardless of which body of state was responsible for the breach.
- Braisserie du Pecher - where the m/s enjoy a wide discretion 3 conditions must be satisfied, rule of law must confer rights to individuals, breach
must be sufficiently serious & a dire casual link
- Factors taken into account - has the m/s manifestly + gravely disregarded the limits of discretion, clarity +
precision of rule breached, discretion left by the community authorities, whether infringement was intentional/
involuntary, error of law is it excusable/inexcusable, whether the position taken by the community institution
- e.g. - r v HM treasuryex parte BT - incorrect implementation = defence because of good faith.
- Non transportation in time = automatically sufficient serious breach. Kobler -
state liability to a decision of a court of last instance must be an erroneous
interpretation of community law by a court of last instance.