Zusammenfassung der Ressource
King Lear is more sinned again than sinning DISAGREE
- Love test
- Childish, game, volcanic temper
- "Nothing will come of nothing"
- "Come not between a dragon and his wrath"
- "The bow is bent, drawn, make from the shaft"
- I love your Majesty/ According to my bond; no more nor less
- Banishing Kent & Cordelia
- Wrong decision. Punishing those who care for him & rewarding those who do not care for him
- Lack of self understanding & knowledge
- "Call Burgundy Call France, with two daughters downers digest this third"
- "On the sixth to turn thy hated back upon our kingdom"
- Lear lacks to see Goneril's & Regan's disloyal actions.
- They see him as being senile & weak
- Getting frustrated
- Lear fails to recognise his daughters are more powerful than he is
- "You see how full of changes his age is"
- "He has always loved our sister most; and with poor judgement he hath now cast her off"
- Fails to see his loss of power
- Demanding dinner. Disrespectful, little respect, disruptive, rowdy
- Leads Lear to question his sanity
- "Doth any here know me? This is not Lear:/ Doth Lear walk thus? Speak thus?"
- "O Lear, Lear, Lear! Beat at this gate, that let thy folly in, And thy dear judgment out!"
- Responsible for own mistakes, drives himself to his own insanity
- Small realisation that he did Cordelia wrong.
- Sees how Goneril & Regan treat him
- He was blinded which drove him to sanity
- "I did her wrong"
- "I will forget my nature. So kind a father"