Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Social Content
- Definition
- Social psychology
is the scientific
investigation of
how the thoughts,
feelings and
behaviours of
individuals are
influenced by the
actual, imagined
or implied
presence of others
- Floyd Allport
- Social factors
influence how
we think feel
and behave
- Humans are by
nature social animals
with a basic need to
'belong' to groups
- Humans
have a social
- Obedience
- To act in response
to a direct order
from a figure with
perceived authority
- Milgram investigated
destructive obedience
where orders are obeyed
even though the individual
understands the negative
- E.g. Holocaust,
Massacre in Rwanda,
Ethnic cleansing in
former Yugoslavia,
Concentration camps
in North Korea
- Agency
Theory (Milgram)
- According to
Milgram, at any one
time a person is in
one of two
psychological states
- Autonomous state,
individuals make
decisions based on
their own ideas, beliefs
and experiences
- Agentic Shift: giving
up responsibility and
following orders
without considering
the consequences or
whether the request
is appropriate
- 2 things in place
for person to
enter agentic state
- person giving
orders is perceived
as being qualified
and legitimate
- People in uniforms are
often perceived to be
legitimate authorities, as
are people that claim to
have a particular status
- May also assume they're
authorised, simply
because they give out
- person being ordered is
able to believe the
authority will accept
- Agentic state, individuals
give up their own
responsibility, deferring
to those of higher status
- Acting
may also be
learnt from
parents and
in school.
- Children learn that in some
situations, they have no
power and at the same time
no responsibility for their
- Evolutionary past
- Early humans had a better
chance of survival if they lived in
groups with leaders, who may
order the group to stand and
fight threatening situations,
therefore acting agentically
- Hierarchal
passed on
- Moral
- When people are asked to do
something by an authority figure
that goes against their moral
code, they'll show moral strain,
but will still carry out the action
- Milgram thought that
people do this because
they no longer feel
morally responsible
for their behaviour -
the authority figure is
- To deal with strain,
people use
mechanisms such
as denial
- E.g. Nazis
after WWII
was over
- Evaluation
- Strengths
- Theory explains a wide range
of social behaviours, from
how we are at school to why
peaceful people can go to
- Application, high
ecological validity
- A lot of Milgram's ppts
showed stress throughout
the experiment E.g. on
hearing victim's cries putting
their head in their hands,
swearing, smoking etc
- Evidence of
moral strain
- Blass (1996) showed ppts
an edited film of
Milgram's study and
questioned them on who
was responsible. Ppts
attributed blame to
- They're in agentic
state, blame deferred
to higher authority
- Weaknesses
- Ignores individual
differences in obedience
and ignores the ability
of leaders to command
- Reductionist
- Other studies show
obedience is more to
do with the leader
than the subordinate
- Reductionist
- Social Impact
- Basis
- The more people
present, the more
influence they'll
have on each
- Additionally, the more
important the people
are to the individual,
the more influence
they will have on him
or her
- The rate of increase
in impact grows
less as each new
individual is added
- Each individual can influence
others; but the more people
are present, the less influence
any one individual will have.
We are more likely to listen
attentively to a speaker if we
are in a small group than if we
were in a large group
- Social impact refers
to changes that
occur in a person
due to the presence
or actions of others
- Strength: A
message is
stronger if
repeated by
a lot of
people in
- Status & Knowledge:
The message will be
strengthened if the
person doing the
convincing is an expert
in the field
- Immediacy:
Message has
more impact if it
comes from
friends rather
than strangers
- Group Polarisation
- E.g. Nazi party
coming into power
- When the group has
more extreme attitudes
and beliefs than the
individuals in the group
- Leads to extremism
- Useful as it means
we can predict the
behaviour of
members of society
- Predictions can be made
about behaviour at a group
level and a system could
provide rules for group
behaviour rather than just
individual behaviour
- Evaluation
- Strengths
- Theory has useful
predictive power in
terms of how
individuals in a group
will obey each other
- Implies good validity
and therefore can be
used in real life
- It recognises the
strength that groups
have and their power
of persuasion
- People can use it to put
implications in and
prevent future events
similar to the rise of the
Nazi party.
- Not in the case of
Donald Trump
- Implies theory is
valid and supports
the stages of the
- Weaknesses
- A lot of the theory is
reduced to a
mathematical formula
predicting how groups
will behave, people are
unique and don't
respond in the same way
- Ignores
- Too reductionist
- Limits
of theory
- Theory is very general,
looking at social influence
rather than obedience in
particular or issues
around group behaviour,
such as social loafing
- Theory is too
narrow to apply
to every situation
in real life
- Milgram's results
showed that when
the ppt had peer
support, there was
less obedience
- Contradicts
- Features of the individual
aren't taken into account
such as why some are
more easily persuaded
than others
- Ignores individual
- Individual
- Obedience
- Locus of Control
- Rotter (1966)
introduced the concept
of LOC as a type of
- Believes everyone is
on a continuum
between strong
external LOC and
strong internal LOC
- Internal: those who feel they're in
control of what happens to them
have this. They believe that what
happens to them is consequence of
their own behaviour, and they can
succeed in difficult or stressful
- External: those
who feel helpless
to control events
have this. They
believe what
happens to them
is controlled by
external factors,
such as luck or
fate, and they're
helpless in
difficult or
- Link to obedience
- Blass (1991): found
people with internal
LOC were more likely to
resist obeying than
those with external
LOC. Ppts with internal
LOC were especially
resistant to obedience
if they suspected they
were being
manipulated by the
- Blass (1991): reviewed
many studies and found
no clear link between
LOC and independent
bahaviour, however did
find evidence that those
with internal LOC are
more likely to resist
obeying than those with
external LOC
- Schurz (1985):
conducted a study
using Austrian ppts.
Were asked to give
increasingly painful
bursts of ultrasound
to a learner
- Found no link between LOC and
obedience between the 80% of
ppts who went to maximum level
- However, the ppts who were
classed with internal LOC
tended to take more
responsibility for their actions
than those with external LOC
- Effect of Gender
- Milgram (1963): found men &
women to be equally
obedient in his electric shock
experiment .
- However, only used
40 female ppts
- Female ppts did report
higher levels of stress
and tension than male
- Blass (1991): conducted a meta-analysis
on 9 replications of Milgram's electric
shock procedure found only one study
that reported a significant difference
between men and women
- Kilham and Mann (1974):
Australian study with 40%
obedience in men and
16% in women. The
learner was female
- Effect of
- Milgram type studies have
been conducted across
different cultures to try to
discover any cross-cultural
differences in obedience
- Individualist Culture
- Emphasise the
importance of
freedom and
- Children are brought up
to respect authority to
be self-reliant and
- They're encouraged to
be assertive and
develop uniqueness as
an individual
- This can lead to them making their
own decisions more, possibly
rebelling against authoritative orders
and being less obedient
- E.g Australia:
Kilham and Mann
(1974) lowest
obedience rate,
28% of ppts
administering up
to 450V
- Collectivist Culture
- Exert more emphasis on the
importance of social groups.
- Children are brought up to be
obedient, act in a certain
manner and respect the
traditions of group culture
- Obedience and conformity is viewed
positively as a way of connecting with
others and becoming responsible for
one's own actions
- Individualism can
cause rebellion
against authority
- They respect authority and
generally obey authoritative
- Increased
likelihood of
- E.g. South Africa:
Edwards et al
(1969), high
obedience rate of
- Individual Differences:
personal factors that
mean people will
respond to situations in
different ways such as
gender, personality,
education and culture
- Prejudice
- Socialisation
- Many prejudices seem
to be passed along
from parents to
- Children look up to their parents
and copy them e.g. smoking
- The media also posts demeaning images and stereotypes about assorted
groups e.g. ethnic minorities, women, gays, disabled and the elderly
- Strength: Real life application
- Weakness: ignores
individual differences, not
everyone copies parents
- Personality
- Adorno came up with the
authoritarian personality
explanation of prejudice
which he believed explained
the Nazi's behaviour in WWII.
- Authoritarian Personality: respect
and obedience to authority figures,
obsession with rank and status, a
tendency to displace anger and
resentment onto weaker others
- Argued it originates in early childhood.
Parents that're excessively harsh and
disciplinary can cause it to develop
- Adorno confirmed his
theory through a survey
called the f scale which
features statements such
as 'All children need strict
- This concluded that
people with authoritarian
personality are more
likely to show prejudice
- Strength: real life
application, Nazi Germany
- F scale is invalid,
easy to lie on
- Milgram disproves this
- Culture
- Ethnocentrism: viewing aspects of other countries
based on the values and standards of your own culture
instead of judging them on society's own standard
- Not always malicious, just a flawed peception
- Ethnocentric individuals believe
they're better than other
individuals for reasons based
solely on their heritage/culture
- E.g. USA often believe they're more powerful,
economically sound and better than other
nations. They have a tendency to dabble in
global situations such as in the Middle East
- E.g. Nazi Germany
- E.g. Western views on
arranged marriages
- Many real life
examples such as
Bradford Race Riots
- Weakness: Focused on large
cultural groups and ignores open
minded individuals
- Prejudice
- Pre(before),
to make a
judgement about
someone before
knowing anything
about them as an
- A prejudice is an
extreme attitude
towards a group that
causes us to prejudge
individuals based only
on their membership of
that group
- 3 Elements
- The cognitive
element: involves
beliefs held about
the group, in the
form of stereotypes
(common but simple
views of what
groups of people are
- The affective
element: involves
the feelings
experienced in
response to the
group. E.g. anger,
fear, hate, disgust.
- The behavioural element: consists of
our actions toward the object of our
prejudice. Behaving differently
towards people based on their
membership of a group is
discrimination E.g. avoidance, verbal
criticism, mass extermination
- Social Identity Theory
(Tajfel & Turner, 1979)
- Proposed the groups which
people belonged to were an
important source of pride and
self-esteem. Groups give us a
sense of social identity; a sense
of belonging in the social world
- In order to increase
our self image, we
enhance the status of
the group to which
we belong, we can
increase our
self-image by also
discriminating and
holding prejudice
views against the
- Therefore, we divided the
world into 'them' and 'us'
based through a process of
social categorisation
- Known as in-group
and out-group.
- SIT states that the in-group
will discriminate and find
negative aspects of the
out-group, thus enhancing
their self-image
- 3 Mental
- Social Categorisation: we
categorise objects in order
to understand & identify
them. We do this to people
too, to understand the
social environment.
- If we can assign people to a
category then that tells us things
about those people. We couldn't
function in a normal manner
without these categories
- We also find out things
about ourselves by
knowing what categories
we belong to. We define
appropriate behaviour by
reference to the norms of
the group we belong to
- Social Identification: We adopt the
identity of the group we have
categorised ourselves as belonging
to and begin to act like the rest of
your group and conform to the
norms of the group. There will be an
emotional significance to your
identification with a group, and
self-esteem will become bound up
with group membership
- Social Comparison: We tend to compare our
group with other groups. If our self-esteem is
to be maintained our group needs to
compare favourably with other groups. Once
2 groups identify themselves as rivals they're
forced to compete in order for the members
to maintain their self-esteem. Competition
and hostility between groups is thus not only
a matter of competing for resources like jobs
but also the result of competing.
- Application:
Football violence
- Evaluation
- Strengths
- Tajfel (1970): found that being in
a group was sufficient to lead to
prejudice against people not in
the group
- Poppe & Linssen
(1999): used a survey
of 1143 Eastern
European teenagers.
Respondents asked to
rate a range of
nationalities for their
morality and
- Generally the youth of each
country judged their own
nation to be both more moral
and more efficient than any
of their neighbours
- Levine et al (2005): carried out
an experiment on football
supporters. Fans invited to
secluded part of University
Campus where they witnessed
a stranger fall and apparently
injure themselves. In one
condition, the person wore
their team colours and in
another, they wore another
team's colours
- They were much more
likely to help those wearing
their team's colours
- Theory explains wide range of
real-life phenomena from support
for football teams to racism
- Weaknesses
- Dobbs & Crano (2001): shows that
under some circumstances, people
show much less in-group favouritism
than was suggested by Tajfel
- The theory ignores individual
differences and could be classed as
- Realistic Conflict
- RCT accounts for group
conflict, negative prejudices
and stereotypes as being the
result of competition between
groups for desired resources
- Sherif validated
his theory in the
experiment 'the
Robber's Cave'
- Sherif argued that
inter-group conflict
occurs when 2 groups
are in competition for
limited resources.
- Groups may be in competition for
a real or perceived scarcity of
resources such as political power,
military protection or social status
- The length and severity of the conflict
is based upon the perceived value and
shortage of the given resource.
- Feelings of resentment can
arise in the situation that the
groups see the competition as
having a zero-sums fate, in
which only one group
wins(obtains the needed or
wanted resources first) and
the other loses
- Positive relations
can only be
restored if
goals (a goal that
can only be
achieved by
working together)
are in place.
- Evaluation
- Strengths
- Events in history show RCT in action
i.e. prejudice against minority
groups in times of economic
conflict (e.g.Jews in Nazi Germany
- Dollard (1938): found
that prejudice
against German
immigrants in a US
town increased as
jobs grew scarce
- Diab (1970): replicated
Sherif's studies in
Lebanon and found
similar results
- Weaknesses
- Tyerman & Spencer (1983):
used scout groups in
England to see if different
'patrols' would show
prejudice towards each
other when competition was
introduced. The 'patrols' did
not show much hostility
towards each other
- Prejudice can exist in
the absence of
competition (e.g.
apartheid South
- Similarly,
does not
lead to prejudice;
it depends on
the nature and
relationship of
the groups