Power and Conflict Ozymandias


Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mindmap von Sophia Hinchliffe , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Erstellt von Sophia Hinchliffe vor etwa 8 Jahre

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Power and Conflict Ozymandias
  1. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    1. Atheist
      1. romantic poet
        1. supported French/ American reverloutions
          1. wrote Ozymandias in 1817
            1. 1792 - 1822
            2. title Ozymandias
              1. suggests power
                1. serious subject matter
                  1. formal
                    1. distinctive
                      1. stands out
                      2. mysterious
                        1. eastern
                          1. exsotic
                        2. themes
                          1. mocking of ozymandias
                            1. pitty for ozymandias
                              1. authority
                                1. aggression
                                  1. hubris
                                    1. pomposity of tyrants
                                      1. immobility of art
                                      2. "i met a traveller from a antique land"
                                        1. "antique"
                                          1. old/ valuable
                                            1. locates it in the past
                                          2. "two vast and trunkless legs of stone"
                                            1. lifeless
                                              1. cold
                                                1. detached
                                                2. "whose frown and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command"
                                                  1. "cold command"
                                                    1. sculpture catchers the evil of the ruler
                                                      1. authority/ aggression
                                                        1. sculpture carefully observes the ruler
                                                      2. "lifeless things"
                                                        1. "my name is ozymandias, king of kings: look on my works, ye mighty, and despair"
                                                          1. boasting
                                                            1. justoposition
                                                              1. nothing lasts
                                                                1. sand consumes
                                                                  1. time passes
                                                                  2. irony
                                                                  3. "colossal wreck, boundless and bare"
                                                                    1. nothing is left of his work
                                                                      1. nothing left of his reign
                                                                      2. ruined
                                                                        1. destroyed
                                                                        2. blank
                                                                          1. empty
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