Kamenev's Personality


A-Levels History Mindmap am Kamenev's Personality, erstellt von EmmaSmile am 04/05/2013.
Mindmap von EmmaSmile, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von EmmaSmile vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Kamenev's Personality
  1. Full time revolutionary from 1905, collaborated closely with Lenin abroad from 1907-1917.
    1. Major contributor to party doctrine.
      1. Debated with Lenin and was largely seen as reliable.
    2. Opposed Lenin in 1917 over his April Thesis and alongside Zinoviev opposed armed uprising of October 1917.
      1. Wanted a Socialist coalition, losing influence in party.
      2. Was made Party Secretary of Moscow and later Commissar for Foreign Trade which brought him into Politburo and position to challenge leadersip.
        1. Well regarded and liked.
          1. Was not tough enough to be a real leader.
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