Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Bukharin's Personality
- Inquisitive.
- Known as the "Golden Boy of the Revolution" by Lenin
- Younger than the other contenders
- Joined the Bolshevik Party in 1906
- Some older communists thought he
was too young to lead.
- Could argue well as supporter of the NEP
- Radicals on left wing suspicious of his economic policy
- Arrested in 1912, escaping to Germany.
- Became a major figure before 1917 and was close to Lenin
- Debated with Lenin on political strategy and was an
important theorist.
- Leading figure on Pravda
throughout 1917
- Led left wing opposition to signing of Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- 1920-1921 criticised Trotsky and Lenin over trade union
controversy and did not become full member of Politburo until
- Did not have the skills or cunning of Stalin
- Lenin's Testament criticised his theories as 'not fully
Marxist' - he believed that not only Marxists should