Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Explanations for the
Success and Failure
of Dieting
- Herman and Polivy's (1984) Boundary Model
- Combines physiology
and psychological
cognitive processes
- Weight s/p. - Biological
mechanisms. Weight
reduces... Psychological /
Cog/ boundaries
- Unrestrained
eats til
biological s/p.
Restrained until
Cog/ boundary.
- Lapses - "WTH effect"
- Herman + Mack (1975) -
"preloading technique", 45
female students, 3 groups -
Taste test - milkshakes
- Mostly lab based
experiments (ecological
validity) Dieting in real
world more complicated
issues. Theory
- Body Weight Set-Point Theory + Metabolic Rate
- Evolutionary approach: Dieting
below s/p -body tries to restore.
Adaptive: famine in hunter
gatherer era.
- Reduce BMR - dieter takes
in less cals + using fewer.
Opposed to exercise which
increases BMR.
- Deterministic - suggests bio/
processes responsible for failure
but is an interaction.
- Imp/ practical applications - Kids -
walk/cycle better than reducing food.
- Evidence for no. genetic mechanisms inf/ weight + dieting -
always difficult for those with predisposition to obesity.
- Kern et al. (1990) - levels of enzyme (helps body
store fat) - high after obese lost av/ 90lbs. Weight
loss activated gene - body fighting to regain lost
- IDA - Applications - low
fat/sugar, lifestyle
changes (ex/), group +
indiv/ support. Smaller,
gradual weight loss
sustained longer.
Success = interaction.