Coastal Landforms Mind Map


Opal Khan
Mindmap von Opal Khan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Opal Khan
Erstellt von Opal Khan vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Coastal Landforms Mind Map
  1. What are landforms?
    1. Landforms are natural features of the earth's surface, for example a mountain, valley, lowland or volcano
    2. What are coastal landforms?
      1. Coastal landforms are lands that develop and persist along the coast and are the result of a combination of processes acting upon the sediments and rocks present in the coastal zone.
      2. How are landforms managed?
        1. Land forms on the coast are created or formed as a result of wave processes such as corrasion, hydraulic, solution and attrition. These processes erode the coast and the material is transported and deposited along the coastline.
        2. What are the different types of coastal landforms?
          1. Coastal landforms created by erosion include headlands, bays and cliffs. Landforms created by deposition include spits, salt marshes and beaches.
          2. What are landscapes?
            1. A landscape is the overall appearance of an area resulting from the interaction of landforms, vegetation and sold with human elements of the environment, such as transport networks. settlements, farms and factories.
            2. What do landscapes include?
              1. Landscapes include natural elements, human element, living elements and changeable elements.
              2. What are coastal features?
                1. Along a coastline there are features created by erosion. These include cliffs, wave-cut platforms and wave-cut notches. There are also headlands and bays, caves, arches, stacks and stumps.
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