Arthropod infections


Mindmap am Arthropod infections, erstellt von sam.hilton am 04/05/2013.
Mindmap von sam.hilton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sam.hilton vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Arthropod infections
  1. Yersinia Pestis
    1. Background
      1. Plague
        1. Clinical Types
          1. Bubonic
            1. Pneumonic
            2. Transmission
              1. Vector
              2. Diagnosis
                1. Treatment
                  1. Antibiotic
                    1. Prevention
                  2. Biowarfare
                  3. Bacterial Morphology
                    1. Adhesins
                      1. Invasin
                        1. YadA adhesin
                        2. Effectors
                          1. Ysc proteins
                            1. Yop proteins
                              1. Yop H
                                1. Dephoshorylates FAK and SKAP-HOM
                                  1. Blocks macrophage recruitment
                                  2. Yop E
                                    1. Yop T
                                      1. Iactivate Rho proteins
                                      2. Yop P/J
                                        1. Induce apoptosis and block inflammatory signalling
                                  3. Borrelia Burgdorferi
                                    1. Lyme disease
                                      1. Transmission
                                        1. Vector lifecycle
                                        2. Symptoms
                                          1. Stages 1-3
                                          2. Diagnosis
                                            1. Culture
                                              1. PCR
                                                1. Serological testing
                                              2. Bacterial morphology
                                                1. Genome
                                                  1. Rapid lipoprotein evolution
                                                    1. Outer surface proteins
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