Edgar Allen Poe uses Symbolism, Personification, simile and imagrey in "Masque of the red death"


Masque of the red death (how Edgar Allen Poe uses figurative languge)
Sierra Leonard
Mindmap von Sierra Leonard, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sierra Leonard
Erstellt von Sierra Leonard vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Edgar Allen Poe uses Symbolism, Personification, simile and imagrey in "Masque of the red death"
  1. Edgar Allen Poe has imagrey in his story by describing how the multiple rooms look like.
    1. 2 qoutes per para
      1. Edgar allen poe uses symbolism in his story by the ebony clock means that the people's time is running out.
        1. Edgar Allen Poe uses personification by saying the heart's life and that dreams live.
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