Physics Mind Map


mind map about Physics
Amanda Louise Lord
Mindmap von Amanda Louise Lord, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amanda Louise Lord
Erstellt von Amanda Louise Lord vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Physics Mind Map
  1. Charge
    1. Current means the flow of electric charge in a circuit (electrons). It is measured in amps.
      1. Potential Difference/voltage means the push to move the current in a circuit.This is the driving force.
        1. the resistance is any components in a circuit that reduces the flow of a current.
          1. Charge is a measure of the rate of flow of current in a given time - Charge unit is Coulombs (C) and the unit is Seconds (s)
            1. Q = I x T is the same as T = I x Q or I = Q/T
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