

History (Islam) Mindmap am Mohammed, erstellt von ClareArmstrong am 04/05/2013.
Mindmap von ClareArmstrong, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ClareArmstrong vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Born around 570
    1. Arabian town of Mecca
      1. Time where Arab tribes worshipped many different gods
      2. At middle-age
        1. Meditating in the desert
          1. Heard a voice telling him:
            1. There is only one true God, Allah
              1. And that he, Mohammed was his prohpet
              2. Did as the voice commanded
                1. People began to follow the new religion
            2. Mohammed had made enemies among supporters of the old religions
              1. Had to flee Mecca
                1. Escaped to Medina
                  1. Gained more supporters
                    1. Began to be known as Muslims or Moslems
            3. His journey from Mecca to Medina in 622 is known as the Higra
              1. Means the beginning of new life
                1. Starts the Muslim calendar
                  1. Was pursued by soldiers
                    1. Hid in a cave
                      1. Spider in cave entrance
                        1. Made a web
                          1. Therfore soldiers did not think anyone was in there
                  2. In Medina, Mohammed was able to organise his followers into an army
                    1. In 628 this army conquered Mecca
                    2. He moved back to the Mecca in 630
                      1. He died in 632
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