Zusammenfassung der Ressource
AS Geography
- Healthcare
- Deserts
- Rivers
- Drainage Basins and the Hydrological Cycle
- Rivers are dynamic open systems.
- They have inputs and outputs.
- Inputs
- Precipitation
- Rain
- Snow
- Dew
- Outputs
- River discharge
- Evapotranspiration: Both levels of evaporation and transpiration.
- Stores
- Vegetation Storage
- Plants in the basin store water.
- Intercepted storage; water stores in plants.
- Surface storages; sotres in depressions such as puddles, or larger stores, such as lakes.
- Rivers count as a store.
- Ground storage
- Soil moisture store; water infiltrates into the ground.
- Groundwater storage; water perculates into bedrock and is stores in aquafers.
- Population