Conflicting Interests - The Consumer


Mindmap am Conflicting Interests - The Consumer, erstellt von Dylan Ryan Phelan am 20/11/2016.
Dylan  Ryan Phelan
Mindmap von Dylan Ryan Phelan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dylan  Ryan Phelan
Erstellt von Dylan Ryan Phelan vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Conflicting Interests - The Consumer
  1. Sale of Goods and the Supply of Services Act 1980
    1. Rights of Buyers
      1. Goods
        1. Merchantable Quality
          1. Fit for Purpose
            1. As Described
              1. Match the Sample
        2. Services
          1. Care and diligence
            1. Necessary Skills
              1. Merchantable Quality
        3. Role of Sellers
          1. Cutomers get statutory rights
            1. No Signs and statements refusing customers rights
              1. Give Guarantees
          2. Redress
            1. Repair
              1. Replace
                1. Refund
          3. Consumer Information Act
            1. Offences
              1. False or misleading information
                1. False or misleading Prices
                  1. False or misleading advertisements
                    1. Fales or misleading signs or notices
              2. Director of Consumer Affairs
                1. Consumer protection legislation is operating correctly
                  1. Inform Consumers of their rights
                    1. Investigate Complaints
                      1. Advise the Government
                        1. Order misleading advertisment to be changed or removed
                          1. Prosecute sellers for misleading claims
                2. National Consumer Agency
                  1. Investiagte unfair trading practices
                    1. Issue on-the-spot fines
                      1. Prosecute offenders
                        1. Ban or recall unsafe products
                3. Resolving Disputes
                  1. Non-Legislative
                    1. Complain
                      1. Trade Association
                        1. Consumers' Association
                          1. Ombudsman
                    2. Legislative
                      1. Small Claims Court
                        1. Other Courts
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