Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Generative Questioning
- Question Formulation Technique
(The Right Question Institute, 2016)
- STEP 1. Use a questioning focus to generate questions
- Activity 5 (See,
think, wonder) -
students use the
stimulus of
photographs from
the past to pose
- Activity 7 (Cuisenaire rods)-
Within this activity students
play with and explore images
of past students using
Cuisenaire rods. Students use
the images and the artefact,
Cuisenaire rods to pose
- Activity 8 (the Milk Scheme) -
Students explore and learn
about the Milk Scheme
through examining photos of
the Milk Scheme and through
conducting an interview with
somebody who was apart of
the scheme. Student
questions are created in
response to the photographs
and the need to interview
somebody who has
experienced the scheme.
- Activity 9 (Summative assessments) -
Students are required to conduct interviews
to gather further information for the
creation of their peg timelines on a topic of
their choice. Students use the stimuli of
interviews to pose their questions.
- STEP 2. The Rules
- Rule 1. Ask as many
questions as you like
- Rule 2. Do not stop to discuss,
judge or answer questions
- Rule 3. Write down every
question as it's stated
- Rule 4. Change any
statements to
- None of these rules are
used or mentioned in
the unit of work.
- STEP 3. Produce questions
(using a question focus)
- Questions produced using
a question focus
- Activity 7 (Cuisenaire
rods) - Students the use
question foci of
Cuisenaire rods and
photographs to
generate questions
- Activity 5 ( See, think,
wonder) - Students
use the question
focus of images of
their school from the
past to inspire
question generating
- Activity 8 ( the Milk
Scheme) - The students
use the question foci of
the need to interview and
photographs from the
past to generate their
questions .
- Activity 9 (Summative
assessment pieces) -
Students use the question
focus of the need to
interview to generate their
- Questions produced
NOT using a
question focus
- Activity 1 and Activity 4
(Think, puzzle, Explore) -
Students are required to
produced questions
about the history of the
school (without a
prompt or stimulus for
- STEP 4. Improve the
- Nowhere in the unit do
students analyse the types
of questions asked (open or
- Students are not
given the chance to
revise, better or
improve their
- STEP 5. Prioritise
- Select questions
based on a criteria
- In the unit students are
not given any
opportunities to choose
or select questions based
on a criteria.
- STEP 6. Next steps
- Next steps involves
considering how to put the
questions into action.
- Activity 4 (Think, puzzle, explore)-
In this activity students consider
how they will find/explore the
questions posed in Activity 1,
Activity 3 and Activity 4.
- STEP 7. Reflection
- This step involves students
reflecting on work the undertaken,
what they have learnt or how to
apply their learning in other
- There is no reflection
anywhere in the unit.
- Hunting English question strategies (Huntingenglish, 2012)
- Effective questioning
- Identifies prior knowledge
- Activity 1 (Think, puzzle, explore) - Students
use their prior knowledge to create facts and
- Thinking is made visable
- Activity 1 and Activity 4 (Think, puzzle,
explore) - Students' thoughts and
questions are placed on a think, puzzle,
explore chart.
- Activity 4 (Think, puzzle, explore) -
Students' questions are placed
onto strips of paper.
- Activity 5 ( See, think, wonder) -
students' questions around past
images are placed on see, think,
wonder charts.
- Questions are evaluated and reflected upon
- Reflecting and evaluating on the questions
produced does not occur anywhere in the unit.
- In the unit there is no opportunity given to
students to analyse the questions or to
assess the quality of their questions .