Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Amygdala and APD: Raine et al (2000)
- Aim – To support the theory that abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex cause APD.
- Method – Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to study 21 men with APD and a control of 34
healthy men. The subjects were volunteers.
- Results – The APD group had 11% reduction in prefrontal grey matter compared with the control group.
- Conclusion – APD is caused by a reduction in grey matter.
- The study supports the biological explanation of APD.
- Raine and colleagues only studies males so can’t relate the findings to women.
- Participants were volunteers so not representative of all people.
- Behaviours linked to one area of the brain often results from a deficit elsewhere in the brain. The
cause of APD could be more complex than the study suggest.