Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Big questions
framing the inquiry
- In the unit program there
is mention of three
overarching questions that
students will explore and
learn about.
- The essential questions are
never mentioned or brought
up to the students. These key
questions are never made
visable to the students.
- Question 1. What
aspects of the
past can you see
today? What do
they tell us?
- Students are provided with opportunity to
explore this question in Activity 3 - What
makes you say that? Students observe and
identify signs of the past and state why
they believe they are signs of the past.
- Students are given the opportunity to
explore this question in Activity 6 - Old
and new photos. Within this activity
students compare and contrast two
photographs of the same location
taken at different times ( a photo
taken that day, and a photo that was
taken sometime in the past). Students
view the photos and record changes
and similarities on a Venn diagram.
- Question 2. What
remains of the
past are
important to the
local community?
- Within the unit there are no
explicit opportunities provided for
students to answer or consider
this question.
- Question 3. How have
changes in technology
shaped our daily lives?
- Within the unit there are no explicit
opportunities provided for students
to consider or answer this question.