Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion + Science
- A Doll's House
- Suggestion that Religion is
just another patriarchal
institution established to
make women second class
- "Can you neglect your most sacred
duties?" (Torvald tries to use
religion as a means to control Nora)
- Introduces idea of PERSONAL
FAITH - presented as positive
concept as it is something she
starts to question as she grows
- 'I want to find out if what Pastor
Hansen said was right - or
whether it's right for me.'
- Hard Times - Dickens
- Criticism of hardline
interpretations of
- 'the barbarous jangling of
bells that was driving the
sick and nervous mad.'
- 'petitioning for acts of parliament
that should make these people
religious by main force'
- Suggests Capitalism is
replacing religion
- what you couldn't ... show
to be purchasable in the
cheapest marketable and
salable in the dearest was
not, and never should be,
world without end, Amen.'
interpretation of
religion demonstrated
by the working classes
- "It ha' shined into my mind ...
till the muddle in my mind
have cleared away." (The star
that provides guidance for
- Shirley
- Comment on the proper application of
religion: 'It is always the frailest, the oldest
and the poorest that brave the worst
weather, to prove and maintain their
constancy to dear old Mother church:this
wild and windy morning not one affluent
family attended ... all lined and cushioned
pews were empty; only on the bare oaken
seats sat ranged the grey-haired elders
and feeble paupers.'
- Shirley demonstrates the proper application of
religion towards her cook: :She wronged me again
and again, and again and again I forgave her.Now
she loves me and wouldn't defraud me of a pin."
- Shirley expresses the idea of personal
faith: "I walk by another creed, light faith and
hope than you." Describes herself as "an
infidel to your religion; an atheist to your
God." Describes Mr Sympson's
interpretation of religion as "small meddling"
and "petty tyranny."
- Criticism of
- 'The white
surplus covers a
multitude of sins.'
- Malone and Donne
criticised for their 'silly
narrow jealousies' their
'insolent carriage to the
poor' and 'base servility
to the rich'
- The Strange
Case of Dr Jeckyll
and Mr Hyde
- Hyde
described with
- 'snarled aloud
into a savage
- 'ape-like fury'
(instinctive human
- 'the creature'
- Scientific experimentation
illustrated as dangerous -
Hyde's actions get gradually
worse/Jekyll loses control of
- God's creation isn't perfect - the
evil of Hyde accepted as an
integral part of Jekyll's character:
'insurgent horror ... lay caged in his
- Jekyll seen to
recognise the
"thorough and
primitive duality of
- Hyde associated with
the backdoor of the
house - linked too his
disreputable nature as
this door would have
been linked with trade
with 'body snatchers'