Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Macbeth - Act 1 - Scene 7
- This is the scene where Lady Macbeth
persuades Macbeth to kill king Duncan.
This is a key scene.
- Lady Macbeth
- Wants power
- Persuading Macbeth to kill Duncan
- Does this by insulting him
- 'So green and pale'
- Sickly, calling him a coward
- Challenging his manliness
- 'When you durst do it, then you
were a man.'
- Threatening, and
asking him questions
- 'Wherein you dressed yourself?
Hath it slept since?
- When arguing, Lady Macbeth keeps
cutting Macbeth off
- She had no attactments
- 'Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums
and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you
have done to this.'
- She would do anything if she
- Direct
- Macbeth
- Macbeths soliloquy
- King Duncan is a good king
- 'So clear in his great office,
that his virtues will plead
like angels'
- King Duncan made
Macbeth Thane
- 'He's here in double trust: First I
am his kinsman and his subject.'
- Macbeth is only killing the
king for power
- 'I have no spur to prick the sides of my
intent but only vaulting ambition'
- When arguing, Macbeth keeps
cutting Lady Macbeth off.
- Going back on his word
because he does not want
- At the end, he is ready and he
wants to kill the king.
- This is because he wants power
- 'I am settled and bend up.'
- 'False face must hide what the false
heart doth know.'
- He has to show sadness and
shock and love when he kills King
- Green = Macbeth, Purple = Lady Macbeth,
Orange/yellow = quotes, Blue = General.